Monday, June 29, 2009

Waste World: Orkz

These are the fungoid orks from Warhammer 40K - specifically, from Gorkamorka. If you have to ask what they're doing in Waste World, you may be playing the wrong game.

Ork Boyz
Disadvantages: Negative Appearance (Ugly), Megalomania (Mild), Overconfidence (Mild)
Advantages: Fast Healing, Hardy, Immune to Disease, Immune to Poison
Special Powers: Armor (AR 2), Dark Sight, Fangs

Powerfully-built humanoid xenogens with minimal body hair, heavy tusk-like fangs, and dull green skin. Orks tend to be ultraviolent and agressive, and often seem stupid due tho their direct ("Kill 'em al an' let Gork sort 'em out!") approach to life. Their lives in the Great Northern wastes are much like those of more conventional Skavenger groups, and they have adopted similar manners of dress and weapons. Hide armor, big guns (which they call "shootas"), and deathtrap-looking vehicles are especial favorites.

Ork Nobz

+1+2 - +30-114 - 1662
Disadvantages: Negative Appearance (Ugly), Megalomania (Mild), Overconfidence (Mild)
Advantages: Fast Healing, Immune to Disease, Immune to Poison
Special Powers: Armor (AR 2), Dark Sight, Fangs

Orks respect strength (and very little else), and the Ork Nobz get respect because they are strong. Nobz serve as leaders in Ork mobs, and answer only to stronger Nobz and the Warboss. Physically they resemble ordinary Ork Boyz, but are somewhat larger and even more heavily muscled.


Disadvantages: Negative Appearance (Ugly), Megalomania (Mild), Overconfidence (Mild)
Advantages: Fast Healing, Hardy, Immune to Disease, Immune to Poison
Special Powers: Armor (AR 3), Dark Sight, Fangs, Giant

In Ork mobs, somebody is the undisputed leader because he is the strongest, most cunning, and most savage of them all. That somebody is the Ork Warboss. Superficially resembling other Orks, the Warboss literally stands head and shoulders above the others.

Quick Mobs

To generate a quick mob, give all Orks in the mob the skills and equipment of the Skavenger template in Waste World Lite. Ork Boyz have a 0-1 in all skills (flip a coin or decide), Ork Nobz have 1d3 in all skills, and Warbosses have 1d6. If desired, replace Drive (Wheeled Bike) with Drive (Wheeled Car) or a Heavy Weapon skill.

Waste World: Animals

If you've ever played Space: 1889, you'll recognize all of these. If you haven't, it really sint necessary to any enjoyment of the material. Just be aware that I didn't create these things myself.

Adapted from Space: 1889


MR: 3 (10 swimming)
AR: 2
Attacks: Bite (1M)
Disadvantages: Animal Intelligence, DX 0 on land
Special Abilities: Pack tactics.
Cissawaan are typically found in packs of 30 - 50, and attack in packs. They get a +1 to their attack rolls for every multiple of 3 they outnumber their target by (3-1 gets a +1, 6-1 gets a +2, 9-1 gets a +3, and so on). No more than 6 may attack a human-sized target; for larger or smaller creatures, assume that 3 cissawaan may attack per meter of height/length.

Cissawaan may not use pack tactics on land, as they are rather clumsy there.

Cissawaan are slender octapedal xenoreptiles which range between 50 and 75 centimeters in length. They are graceful and fast swimmers, but extremely clumsy on dry land. The typical diet of cissawaan is fish and other aquatic lifeforms, but cissawaan packs will attack and bring down much larger creatures if given the opportunity.

Cissawaan may be found in the marshes and lakes of the Slime Jungles, in the rivers that feed into the Slime Jungles, and in the canals of Hydra.

Adapted from Space: 1889


MR: 2 (15 flying)
AR: 3
Attacks: Bite (1M)
Disadvantages: Animal Intelligence
Special Abilities: Constriction
After a successful bite attack, eelowaan will attempt to constrict their opponent. The constriction inflicts 1 point of damage, +3 for the eelowaan's ST, +1 for each round of consecutive constriction (0 the first round, +1 the second, +2 the third, and so on). The victim may attempt a ST roll to escape, with a penalty of 3 + the constriction damage bonus.

Distantly related to the koko, the eelowaan is 5 - 10 meter long flying xenoserpent. It does not possess wings; rather, it generates a biochemical agent which allows it to float. It's "wing membranes" merely serve as steering mechanisms, allowing the eelowaan to control speed and direction.

Much like their land-bound cousins, eelowaan prefer to attack by surprise. They drift towards their targets on the wind and attack from above (granting a +4 to hit if the target fails a Hard Awareness check).

The biomancers of Hydra are willing to pay as much as 5000 credits for a living eelowaan - they hope to unravel the secrets of eelowaan anatomy and create symbionic replacements for suspensor engines.

Anywhere except the deep Wastes (where there is a lack of prey).

Adapted from Space: 1889


MR: 18
AR: 2
Attacks: Bite (0.5M), Tail Slap (1M)
Disadvantages: Animal Intelligence
Special Abilities: None

Gashant are herbivorous bipedal xenids which bear a superficial resemblance to saddle reptars. Their forelimbs have atrophied into blunt stumps. They are sometimes encountered in the wild in herds of 20 - 80 animals, and have also been domesticated as riding and pack animals in some regions. As domestic animals, they are prized for their endurance and their ability to go without food or water for 2 - 3 weeks.

Fairly common throughout all of southern Avernus.

Adapted from Space: 1889


MR: 1 (3 swimming)
AR: 1
Attacks: Bite (1M)
Disadvantages: Animal Intelligence
Special Abilities: Poison
The bite of the knoe shoshu is poisonous. If the target suffers any damage, it must make an immediate Poison save with a -2 penalty, or be paralyzed for 1d4x5 minutes.

The knoe shoshu resemble nothing more than leathery, tentacled sacks, some 2 meters in diameter. They are disturbingly pliable, and hunt by lying in wait below the surface of the swampy regions they call home. Knoe shoshu typically consume small creatures and carrion, but will attack larger creatures if they stumble into their reach.

The Slime Jungles, sometimes reaching to the tidal pools and deltas of the Skum Sea. There have also been unconfirmed knoe shoshu sightings in the canals of Hydra.

Adapted from Space: 1889


MR: 7 (land or water)
AR: 5
Attacks: Bite (1M)
Disadvantages: Animal Intelligence
Special Abilities: Constriction.
After a successful bite attack, kokos will attempt to constrict their opponent. The constriction inflicts 1 point of damage, +4 for the koko's ST, +1 for each round of consecutive constriction (0 the first round, +1 the second, +2 the third, and so on). The victim may attempt a ST roll to escape, with a penalty of 4 + the constriction damage bonus.

The koko is a large (5 - 10 meters long), predatory xenoserpent with mottled green scales. They are capable of climbing trees by slithering up the trunk, and often attack by dropping on their target (+4 to hit if the target does not make a Hard Awareness roll). They are equally at home on land or in water.

Kokos are almost exclusively found in the Slime Jungles, but there are unconfirmed sightings of them in the Hydran canals from time to time.

Adapted from Space: 1889


MR: 12
AR: 0
Attacks: Bite (1M)
Disadvantages: Animal Intelligence
Special Abilities: Pack tactics
Roogies often hunt in packs containing up to 20 individual animals. They get a +1 to their attack rolls for every multiple of 3 they outnumber their target by (3-1 gets a +1, 6-1 gets a +2, 9-1 gets a +3, and so on). No more than 3 may attack a human-sized target, but they will attempt to overbear (if all hit successfully, the target must pass a Hard ST check or be knocked prone). Up to 6 roogies may attack a prone man-sized target. When and if they attack larger or smaller creatures, assume that 3 roogies may attack per meter of height/length.

Roogies are dog-like xenids which grow up to 1 meter in length. Based on their appearance and anatomy, it is possible that they are distant evolutionary relatives of the steppe tiger. Roogies are primarily scavengers, but are willing to supplement their diets with fresh meat if they outnumber their prey by a significant number (3-1 odds, minimum).

Roogies are typically found in the highland and mountain regions south of Prometheus and north of the Slime Jungles. They almost never venture into the Wastes.

Adapted from Space: 1889


MR: 7
AR: 8
Attacks: Charge (2M)
Disadvantages: Animal Intelligence
Special Abilities: Trample
Any individual caught in the path of a charging or stampeding ruumet breehr must make a Difficult Dodge check or be trampled, suffering 1d4 2M attacks as he falls under the feet of the running animal.

Ruumet breehr are massive quadrapedal xenids, bearing a passing resemblance to the long-extinct elephant or rhinocerous of Waste World. They stand 2 meters at the shoulder, and can reach lengths of 3.5 - 4.5 meters. Ruumet breehr herds contain 4 - 24 beasts. For the most part they are unagressive, as thier great size ensures that they have few natural predators. However, if a herd perceives a threat to their young, they will charge and trample that threat rather than flee.

A number of Wastelander tribes have domesticated ruumet breehrs for use as caravan animals.

Southern Avernus, sometimes following the eastern coastline as far north as the Shogunate.

Adapted from Space: 1889


MR: 1 (20 flying)
AR: 2
Attacks: Horns (1M), 2 Claws (0.5M+2)
Disadvantages: Animal Intelligence
Special Abilities: None

Skrills are kite-shaped herbivorous xenids with greenish-gray scales and patigia stretching between their forelimbs and the tips of their tails. They are fairly docile and, like most herbivores, are more likely to flee than fight when attacked. They are capable of carrying a man while flying, but (despite rumors about Wasteland tribes succeeding) have so far proven impossible to domesticate.

Typically in the mountains southeast of Prometheus and northeast of Hydra. There have been sightings of migrating skrill flocks as far north as Janus and as far east as the Shogunate, but they are incredibly rare in those regions. They avoid the deep Wastes whenever possible (due to the lack of food).

Adapted from Space: 1889


MR: 15
AR: 6
Attacks: Bite (2M), 2 Claws (1M+2)
Disadvantages: Animal Intelligence
Special Abilities: Track by scent, Stealth +5, Charge (x10 MR for 1 round), Grab and shake
Steppe tigers are capable of explosive bursts of speed, allowing them to sprint at 10 times their normal movement rate for 10 - 15 seconds (4 - 5 combat rounds). While charging, the steppe tiger may only bite, but adds double its ST to the damage.

If a steppe tiger bites something that weighs 100 kilos or less, it may hang on with its jaws and shake its victim brutally. This grants the steppe tiger a +3 to hit on its bite attack each round (the victim does not get to dodge, but a miss means the tiger has dropped it and loses the grab and shake bonus), and doubles its ST for damage purposes. Steppe tigers often combine this with their charge ability in a hit and run attack, as they can continue running or charging while using their grab and shake ability.

Steppe Tigers only loosely resemble any feline native to the Waste World. They are lean, powerful quadrupeds, with massive jaws and large, non-retractable claws. These creatures are cunning hunters, and attempt to get extremely close to their target before charging and launching an attack. Steppe tigers are not aggressive unless hungry, but they are extremely territorial.

Steppe tigers are typically found in the highland and mountain regions south of Prometheus and north of the Slime Jungles. They almost never venture into the Wastes.

Waste World: Advantages and Special Powers

These special powers and abilities were originally created by Colin Chapman, to be included in the Ikarus sourcebook for Waste World. It was never actually published, and he was kind enough to allow me to archive them here.

Unique Advantages

Imperial Bloodline
You are a member of the great Phoenix bloodline, rulers of Ikarus and kin to the Emperor himself. The bloodline will ransom you if necessary (albeit with some reluctance), and use its influence and contacts to help you (providing of course you prove worthy of such aid, and the the Phoenix have extremely high standards to maintain). You are expected to behave as befits this great noble bloodline, to obey your elders and betters in the bloodline without hesitation, and epitomise the cruel and callous elan that all Ikareans aspire to. Failure to do so will not only cost you these benefits and responsibilities, it might very well cost you your life. Cost: 15

Celestial Bloodline
Similar to Imperial Bloodline above, you are a member of a powerful noble family of Ikarus, such as the Gryphon, Wyvern or Basilisk bloodlines. They will also aid you as noted above, but their resources and influence are less substantial (although extremely large). You are expected to behave as an exemplary member of your bloodline, and even these "lesser" bloodlines are unforgiving and merciless as regards "traitors". On the positive side, you will not be in the public eye as much as a member of the Imperial Bloodline would. Cost: 10

Minor Bloodline
You are a member of a minor Ikarean bloodline, giving you full rights of citizenship (such as the right to bear arms and to keep slaves). You may even serve in such hoored positions as slaver, torturemaster, sentinel, or bard, or even serve the great Ikarean military as an Eaglewarrior, scout, or pilot. You will be expected to behave as befits an Ikarean, and to defer to those of purer blood. Providing you do so, you will retain your rights, living in grandure amid the clouds. Unfortunatly, while your family may be willing to aid you, their resources, power and influence are not extensive. Cost: 5

Basilisk's Icy Mind
You have recieved rigorous and harsh tuition from some of the most powerful psionics in existence, honing your mind and willpower to resist psionic intrusion and the threat of insanity from gaining new powers. You gain +1 to any Resistance rolls, and halve the number of powers you have when using them as a modifier for an insanity roll. Cost: 10. Prerequisite: Celestial Bloodline (Basilisk)

Gryphon's Rage
You have recieved dedicated instruction in close combat since birth, favoring slashing maneuvers with wingblades and talons. The secret techniques taught to you give you +1 to hit and a +1 damage bonus when using those weapons, and enables you to make a second attack with those weapons at no penalty. Cost: 10. Prerequisite: Celestial Bloodline (Gryphon)

Majesty of the Phoenix
You have been tutored to compose yourself as a god, portraying an inspiring demeanor, walking, speaking and gesturing with confidence, purpose and nobility. Your every measured glance, subtle gesture and stance convey a feeling of superiority and demand the attention of those around you. You gain a +2 bonus on all social rolls that involve oratory, leadership or intimidation. Cost: 10. Prerequisite: Imperial Bloodline.

Wyvern's Cunning Sting
You have been raised as a deadly assassin since birth, giving you an almost mystical prowess for hiding and stealth, and an instinct for deadly and unexpected strikes. You gain a +1 bonus on all stealth and hiding rolls, and a +2 damage bonus when striking with surprise from behind. You can even use stealth in well-lit areas with little or no cover, so adept are you, and only suffer a -3 penalty when doing so. Cost: 10. Prerequisite: Celestial Bloodline (Wyvern)


Chilling Gaze
You have the look of a cold-blooded predator, causing lesser mortals to quail in their boots and cowards to soil themselves under your penetrating gaze. Add +2 to any rolls to intimidate or cow other characters, but you suffer a -1 penalty on any social rolls that do not involve invoking fear or awe (such as seduction). Cost: 10

Demonic Empathy
Despite their utterly alien nature, you possess a bizarre understanding of True Demons, and they actually seem calmer and easier to befriend in your presence. They are less likely to attack you than anyone else (if they aren't mistreated). Unfortunatly, you do seem somewhat otherworldly and eerie to your fellow sentients, so while you have a +2 bonus on all social rolls, interactions, and social relations with True Demons, you suffer a -1 penalty on such rolls with other humanoids and creatures of flesh. Note: This advantage does not apply to False Demons (those energy beings that were once human). Cost: 10

Demonic Familiar
You have bound a demon in servitude to you and, unlike many demons, this one actually seems to like you. This means it is unlikely to "misinterpret" any commands you give it, or try to harm you or escape. Still, it's unlikely to sacrifice itself on your behalf (unlike many pets) and may prove stubborn or disagreeable at times. Cost: As Pet advantage. Prerequisite Must have the Demon Binding psionic power.

Keen Smell/Taste
You have a highly developed sense of smell and taste, although not to the extent of the Bloodhound Scent Special Power. Add +2 to all your smell/taste perception rolls. Needless to say, this can prove useful for detecting the subtle odor of some poisons and gases (which may prove singularly beneficial in Ikarus). Cost: 5

Lesser Advantages

Many of the Advantages in Waste World highlight extremes of those abilities, and provide substantial benefits. The following Lesser Advantages provide bonuses, while allowing for the fact that not every attractive person is Handsome/Beautiful, not everyone with a resistance to disease is immune, and so on. You cannot purchase these advantages and the full-fleged versions.

You are attractive and pleasing to behold, although not striking and breathtaking (as those with Handsome/Beautiful are). It adds 1 to all your reaction rolls and to all skill rolls which may be impacted by physical appearance (seduction, persuasion, and so on). Cost: 5

People seem to like you, and tend to listen to what you say. You get a +1 on all reaction rolls from NCs. This bonus also applies to all skill rolls in which you interact with other people (seduction, oratory, persuasion, and so forth). Cost: 5

Resistant to Disease
You have a strong immune system, and seldom succumb to disese or illness. Add 2 to your rolls to resist diesease. Cost: 5

Resistant to Mutation
You are possessed of a strong biological matrix, making you highly resistant to the effects of mutation. Add 2 to all your rolls to resist mutation. Cost: 5

Resistant to Poison
Your liver is extremely efficient at neutralising toxins and poisons, giving you a bonus of 2 to all your rolls to resist drugs, poisons and toxins. Cost: 5

Special Powers

Like a bird-of-prey you can see with astounding acuity, recognising details at a distance of up to 5 kilometers (obstacles permitting), and only suffer a -1 penalty when using your ranged weapons beyond close range. It is possible to purchase this power and the Keen Eyes advantage. Cost: 10