Saturday, May 23, 2009

Amuell, The Destroying Worm

The Destroying Worm


Attacks: Bite (8M); crush (10M)

Disadvantages: Amuell's hide is encrusted with drakonium, allowing him to be tracked by those who seek the crystal.

Advantages: Swallow (as standard wasteworm); tunnel (as standard wasteworm); create fear; psionics; demon storm.

  • Create Fear: Amuell is an ancient creature with a fearsome reputation. The sight of his drakonium-encrusted form rising from the desert can strike fear into even the most hardened of Wastelanders and konvoy guards. All unimportant NCs within visual contact of Amuell will panic and attempt to fell, unless someone in authority makes a Leadership test at -9. Important NCs (those with names) may make an IN + PW roll at -9 to resist fleeing.
  • Psionics: It is not known for sure if Amuell truely possesses a human intelligence, but he does possess certain psychic powers. Those he has demonstrated are Curse +7, Dispel +9, Psi Sense +4, Psionic Screen +6, and Weather Control +9. There are also legends that Amuell possesses the Scanning power and uses it to hunt those who have earned his hatred, but these are just legends.
  • Demon Storms: Amuell is constantly attended by a vast storm of Psi-Demons, drawn to him by the Drakonium which covers his hide. At any time, he will be accompanied by 3d20 random demons. He does not appear to exert any control over them.

DESCRIPTION: Amuell is a myth and a nightmare among the workers of the drakonium fleets. Tales are told of the haunter of the deep Wastes, an immortal god-worm whose hide glitters with the dull reddish-gold of drakonium. Few have ever seen him; fewer still have seen him and lived. A man could make his fortune ten thousand times ten thousand times over from his scales, but none who work the crystal fleets would risk it. Amuell is death incarnate, and no fortune is worth that risk.

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